Lawton First Assembly

Glife_SummerWEB 2020

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28 spring/summer 2020 5 T i p s f o r B r i n g i n g H o m e a N e w P e t Introduce Your Pets For dogs, schedule the initial meeting at a neutral environment outside of your home. Cats typically need a more gradual introduction to get comfortable. Start by keeping your felines in separate rooms with their own litter boxes, but let them see each other periodically through a glass window to get used to sharing the space. Allowing your pets to play with each other's toys can also create familiarity with their new housemate's scent. Pet-Proof Your Home Because new pets can be especially curious and jump onto high surfaces or squeeze into small spaces, ensure clothes, cleaning supplies, electrical wires or cords and other potential hazards are out of reach. Also, keep toilet lids closed, cover vents and latch trash can lids. Prepare the Necessities Decrease stress before bringing your new pet home by setting up the crate or bed, food and water bowls, a collar with identification, leash, food, necessary pest treatments and a variety of toys. Create a Schedule Creating a routine for your pet's mealtimes, bathroom breaks and playtime can help make the transition easier on both you and your pet. Keep in mind that younger pets typically need to relieve themselves more often, and puppies and kittens also often require more exercise than older pets. Plan time for daily walks, solo playtime and trips to the park or backyard to play fetch. Keep Your Pet Happy and Healthy While a proper diet, exercise and groomings are important, it is also important to find a veterinarian and schedule routine checkups and vaccines. Don't delay in finding one. Discover other helpful tips at Article courtesy of Family Features. C o m f o r t i n g C o n s t a n t s i n a C h a n g i n g W o r l d T h e w o r d n o r m a l . W h a t d o e s i t m e a n , a n d w h a t d o e s i t m e a n t o y o u ? W h e n w e l o o k a t t h e w o r l d , i t i s a l w a y s c h a n g i n g i n s o m e w a y . H e r e a r e t h r e e e a s y t i p s t o h e l p y o u m a k e e v e r y d a y b e t t e r – m i n d , b o d y a n d s o u l. 4 seconds is all you need to get started on a breathing technique that promotes relaxation and stress reduction. Inhale deeply for 4 seconds, hold that breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. 1 in ten adults gets enough of the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables each day, according to the CDC. Challenge yourself to add a new fruit or vegetable to your menu each day. o'clock each weekday morning is the perfect time to join LFA on Facebook for Daily Devo, a live recording with our staff. We offer messages of hope, prayer, and connection with each other to share the word and love of Jesus. 1 0 I h a v e t o l d y o u t h e s e t h i n g s , s o t h a t i n m e y o u m a y h a v e p e a c e . I n t h i s w o r l d y o u w i l l h a v e t r o u b l e . B u t t a k e h e a r t ! I h a v e o v e r c o m e t h e w o r l d . J o h n 1 6 :3 3 (N I V ) { {

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