Lawton First Assembly

Glife_SummerWEB 2020

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24 spring/summer 2020 C r e a t e a B a c k y a r d C a m p o u t ! Rediscover the magic of camping out in your own backyard! Here are 10 tips to help you make the most of your summer fun. T i p 1 : M e m o r y -m a k i n g F u n You may remember from your own childhood that Backyard Campouts don't always last all night, but the memories will last a lifetime. Now, when many summer camps and events have been cancelled, you and your family can capture the magic and adventure of outdoor activities. T i p 2 : S a f e t y F i r s t , L a s t – A l w a y s Common sense goes a long way, and so does adult supervision. No matter if your children are younger or older, you'll still want to keep an eye on them. The object of a Backyard Campout is to provide a safe, family- fun event that can bring your family closer together and provide years of beautiful memories. T i p 3 : P i t c h Y o u r T e n t You don't have to have an actual tent to have fun. Sheets, blankets, or even a play tepee can offer a fun shelter, as long as the weather is good. Be sure to place your tent on level ground with enough backyard light to see but not enough to attract bugs. And speaking of bugs, avoid food and sugary drinks near your shelter so that you don't attract ants. T i p 4 : S l e e p i n g B a g s Backyard Campouts are a lot like sleep-overs – don't count on your crew getting a lot of sleep. Regardless, everyone will want to be comfortable. Fill your tent with pillows, blankets, air mattresses and, of course, everyone's favorite stuffed animal. T i p 5 : E x t r a L i g h t i n g Afraid of the dark? Flashlights and glow sticks can add extra light, and kids will love cool headlamps. Whatever you choose, be sure your lights don't attract unwanted flying bugs and creepy crawlers. T i p 6 : C a m p fi r e , A n y o n e ? Fire pits and backyard grills are the safest options for our families who often live under summer burn bans. Needless to say, a grown-up must be in charge of actual fires. However, memories are made by sitting together in a circle (around the fire or not) and sharing Bible verses, silly stories, or singing camp songs. T i p 7 : P i c n i c F o o d When it comes to camping, hot dogs, hamburgers and chips are the usual staple of cooking out. And no Backyard Campout is complete without S'Mores. Plus, having your kitchen nearby allows you to enjoy cool treats like ice cream and popsicles! T i p 8 : L e t t h e G a m e s B e g i n You'll want activities for every age group. Croquet is a tried and true family favorite. Then break the daytime heat with a friendly water balloon fight. For fun in the shade, break out a deck of your favorite playing cards. When in doubt, ask your kids to help pre-plan the games. T i p 9 : Q u i e t T i m e w i t h G o d i n N a t u r e Under His canopy of stars is the perfect place to talk about The Book of Genesis and how God created the heavens and the earth. T i p 1 0 : P i c t u r e t h i s You will want to take lots of pictures! Memories last a lifetime, but you'll want to share your family's Backyard Campout adventure with other friends and family.

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